Monday, August 19, 2013

Day 7

This was 8/17/ got a little delayed. You'll find out why. 

 What a day today was. I really hope I remember to include all the crazy stuff that happened...

I left Cathie and Bob's by about 8:30. Had some cereal, packed my stuff and I was on my way. I found the bicycle trail that the maps indicated I needed to be on and set off for a new day. At least I tried.  

These trails were ridiculous. They were constantly changing direction and I kept having to pull over and check to see if I was still on course. 

I met a guy coming the opposite way who was going from San Francisco to Montreal. He was doing over 100 miles each day. Which I nuts. Absolutely crazy. He didn't seem me be was really enjoying himself. He was complaining about the trails and how he couldn't wait to get off them. He was only about 6 miles from that goal which cheered him up a little. He kept telling me the trails I had a head of me were such a pain. I thought it was be aide they would keep changing direction. I was wrong. It was because there were SO MANY people on them. They were easy enough to follow, but you had to go so slow to wait to get around people. And then there were the idiots on road bikes who would fly past you. It was crazy. At least it was all downhill. As I was cruising through the trail, something hit my head. I heard a buzz and then *sting*. Ouch! I took off my helmet and sure enough a bee fell out. I tried to take a picture but you couldn't really tell with all my sunburn. 

I got back on course quickly after that unpleasant t encounter - I didn't want to hold other people up. 

I reached the Capital Crescent Trail, which was great. Nicely paved and all downhill. Still a bunch of boneheads though. 

I tried taking pictures while I was riding, so as to not cause traffic - it didn't work out too well. 

There was a lot of really cool scenery on the trail. 

And some really nice boats. I saw one yacht, maybe the nicest boat I had ever seen, from Miami. I thought about asking him if he wanted to trade. Taking a boat like that down the coast is a pretty appealing way to travel. 

Here is the back of the Lincoln Monument. 

And that gates that would send me off over the Potomac. 

You can't quite see here but this is Arlington Cemetery. 

And looding back on DC. 

Then I entered into the Mt. Vernon Trail - a wonderful quick paced trail full of other bikers. 

And it lead me here: George Washington's house. Or at least the the visitors center. I ran into two other bikers that were amazed with my journey. They were so nice - exactly the kind of people I hope to keep encountering. 

I then found my way into Fort Belvoir. 

And then back on the road!

This town had free beer and wine tasting. It was tempting, but I didn't go. I had a lot of mileage ahead of me. 

But I did find this again! And this time if was only $0.89! I felt great after having it. 

I was back at it shortly, passing through some beautiful farm country. 

I was minding my own business, and I was startled by the crackle of a loud speaker. A policeman then told me, from his car, over the loud speaker, to get off the road because I was holding up traffic. So much for sharing the road. 

Then, BAM! 100 miles in a single day! And I felt great!

I continued on my way to Fredericksburg. If I were to do over 100 miles in a day, this would be the perfect day for it. Flat and not a lot to see. 

Except swamps. 

I finally found my way into Fredericksburg a little after dark. I had no place to stay. I thought there had to be someone that would take me in for the night, right? 


The first person I asked rudely turned me away. The second person said no too! But he at least directed me to a vacant plot of land a few houses down. I secretly set up my camp along a brick wall so I couldn't be seen from the road. 

Then the rain hit. Oh did it rain. Everything got soaked! At least no one would come along walking down the street in the rain! I felt safe, on the plus side. But by the time I got everything set for the night, it was already 10:30 and I was ready for bed. 

So, along with all that in a day, I did 117 miles. Sounds like a good day to me!

Off to Glenn Allen tomorrow to see Rob!

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